Welcome to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church!
Meet the Staff

Pastor Joel Kotila
Joel Kotila was born to Rev. Herman J. and Sylvia E. Kotila in 1957 in Tomahawk, Wisconsin. He is the fifth of eight children. He graduated from Nashoba Regional High School in Bolton, Massachusetts in 1975. Worked for Digital Equipment Corporation in Massachusetts, Field Service Logistics, (1976-83).
B. A. (1991) Concordia College, St. Paul, .MN.; M. Div. (1995) Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN.
Vicarage, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Bay City, MI (1993-94).
Congregations: Peace Lutheran Church, Cincinnati, OH (1995-2000); Trinity and Immanuel Lutheran Churches, Holloway, MN (2000-2006); Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Terryville, CT (2006 – present).
Married 30 years to Kari Lee Kotila; have four grown children: Jon, wife, Letitia, and three grandchildren; Peder; Erik; and Mikkel

Cathy Wollenberg
Cathy Wollenberg, lifelong resident of Terryville, served as Office Manager for Holy Trinity since 2000. Also has served as Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Financial Secretary for Holy Trinity, and is currently leading Prayer Shawl Group. Married to Tom Wollenberg for 32 years, and have three sons, Nate, Andrew and Alex.

Roze Stockman
I grew up in a singing family, the oldest of 10 children. I wanted to be a Lutheran school teacher and wanted to play the piano since I was 8! I took piano lessons for 5 years and as a teenager played the church organ. I went to Concordia College in St. Paul, MN. While there, I took lessons for 4 years. After college, I taught in Michigan for 3 years, and then moved to Bristol, CT. I taught at Immanuel Lutheran School for 30 years. I was the substitute organist and directed their choir, bell choir, christmas programs, and school musicals.