Sermons from February 2014

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February 25th 2014


Dear beloved in Christ, Luther said, “God created the world out of nothing; so as long as we are nothing, God can make something out of us.”  In other words, if we are hanging on to our own righteousness and pride and works (our attempt to reduce the truth about our sin and that we are […]

February 11th 2014


Loved ones…you who are loved by our Lord,   Valentine’s Day is Friday.  But that day is more than just remembering your loved one (spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend…).  It is remembering what St. Valentine represented to the church at large in his day–and through the ages since.  Here’s just a tidbit of information. A physician […]

February 18th 2014


Dear children of God through faith in Christ, “STAND.”  Our Synod has announced that to be the theme that they are advocating, publicizing over the next three years.  It is based on Luther’s unmovable stand when he made his great confession of the truth of God’s holy Word at the Diet of Worms in 1521, before […]

February 4 th 2014


Dear redeemed in Christ, OUR LAST GREAT ENEMY IS DESTROYED!   Imagine that headline pasted on the front page of all the major newspapers in our area and all over this land.  What news!  Death destroyed!  Live forever!  And then, what joy!  Can you believe it? Of course, all these things are true!  I didn’t make them […]