Sermons from February 2015

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How many Natures do you have?


Dear redeemed in Christ, We Christians have a double-nature.  Unbelievers have just one nature.  That sounds like we have a great advantage over others.  Well, in Christ, we do.  Surely, He has saved us!  The advantage is NOT because of what we do.  Rather, the advantage is because of what God has done for us; the righteousness […]

It’s Supreme!


Dear redeemed ones by the blood of Christ, Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday.  Lent begins.  How shall you and I approach it and embrace it?  The answer is clear: THE WORD OF GOD IS SUPREME.  The Holy Scriptures of the both the Old and New Testament were written by men under the inspiration of the Holy […]

What do I do?


Beloved in Christ, “[W]hatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”  (1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV) Did you know that there is so much work is done in the Christian congregation that often gets un-noticed?  There are people working as volunteers in the church who labor faithfully and hard with committed hearts out of love for Christ and […]