Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!
We had such a wonderful attendance for Holy Week.  Praise to God!
One of our dear members shared with me this morning: “And isn’t every Sunday a celebration of Easter?”  And I said, “Yes, it is!”
The celebration of Christ’s resurrection is all about His work as our crucified Savior to completely pay the debt of our sin and by His resurrection to life to win eternal salvation for us.
Now think about it, we are so prone to take this earthly life for granted.  We take for granted so many gifts from God–gifts that He gives us to enjoy every single day on earth.  And if God should withdraw the gift or gifts from us–would we not feel the pain of not having them?  And surely, we take the heavenly gifts for granted as well–gifts that Christ paid so much for in His sacrificial death and also the gifts He won for us by His rising to life.  It is hard to even imagine not having Christ’s eternal gifts.  But when we take them all for granted and treat them as though they are not so SPECIAL and HUGE, then we live as though the gifts have been withdrawn from us, and we act like we don’t even care.
This mindset is all driven by the sinful nature–encouraged by Satan and the world.
So what drives you–compels you, Christian, to treat every Sunday as though it was SPECIAL and HUGE like Easter?  It is all JESUS CHRIST!  It is all about His Word and work!  How desperate we are for Him!  (Every Sunday…really everyday… is a day of repentance.)  So how can we possibly diminish all that He is and all that He has done to save us?  Our greatest need is supplied by His greatest GIFT.  His “death and resurrection” gifts are given here every Sunday.  Truly for the Christian who rightly understands these things, missing church is just not an option.
Jr. Confirmation Class this evening at 6:30PM.
Wednesday AM Bible Study resumes tomorrow.
Thursday:   7:00AM   Emmaus Walkers Men’s Bible Study at Immanuel Parish Center
                  6:15PM   Bible Study
                  7:00PM   Choir will meet this week!
Sunday:     9:00AM  Divine Service
               10:30AM  Sunday School
               10:45AM  Special Bible Study on Psalm 92
District President Timothy Yeadon and the Board of Directors of the New England District, LCMS cordially invite you to attend A SERVICE OF CELEBRATION OF ALL CHURCH WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES along with the Installation of Deaconess Tiffany Manor as Deaconess for Human Care of the New England District.  Sunday, May 4th, 2014 at 4:00PM.  To be held at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 239 Graham Road, So. Windsor, CT 06074.  Conducting the Rite of Installation will be President Yeadon.  Rev. Rob Morris, Pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Newtown, CT will preach.  Reception to follow the Service.
PINESHORE BIBLE CAMP in Westminster, MA is having an Open House on Saturday, May 10th from 12Noon until 4:00PM.
If you have never been up to Pineshore, consider taking a day trip.  It is a lovely drive!  Watch for the bulletin insert this Sunday and on May 4th!
Babybottle Boomerang begins on Mother’s Day, May 11th, and runs until Father’s Day, June 15th.  Save your loose change to fill up the baby bottles!  All donations go to the Crisis Pregnancy Center in Unionsville.  
Ushers:   Randy Krampitz
               Jeff Sonstroem
Elder:     Tom Wollenberg
Altar:      Leona Damboise
Acolyte:  Megan Hendrickson
Coffee:   M/F Plourde
Have a blessed and continued celebration of our Lord’s resurrection!
Pastor Kotila