Dear redeemed in Christ,
Imagine that headline pasted on the front page of all the major newspapers in our area and all over this land.  What news!  Death destroyed!  Live forever!  And then, what joy!  Can you believe it?
Of course, all these things are true!  I didn’t make them up.  It’s not FICTION.  Our Lord Jesus Christ crushed Him who “has the power of death, that is, the devil” (from our Epistle reading last Sunday–Hebrews 2:14).  Satan has been defeated by Christ’s cross and empty tomb–because Jesus paid in full the payment for our sins and because He shattered the consequence of sin under the Law–death, so there is no more death for those who are in Christ.  The physical death we will all experience (unless Christ returns first), is not a death that brings with it a horrifying and tragic outcome that would understandably cause a person to shudder in fear.  Rather for the Christian (those who trust in Jesus Christ), death is truly a passage to our life with God as our soul departs to be with our Savior in His glorious and heavenly mansions.  And He is waiting to welcome us home.
The headline above is for your morning read; it is your daily GOOD NEWS from God.  Treasure these words.  Eat them up.  Live by them.  We are no longer enslaved to death.  We have been set free in Christ.  Christ is risen!  Alleluia!
Jr. Confirmation Class will meet this evening, 2/4, at 6:30PM.
Ladies of Holy Trinity meets next week: Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00PM.
Church Council meets next Wednesday, February 12th at 7:00PM.
The quarterly Congregational Meeting is the third Sunday, February 16th, at 10:30AM.
Thursday evening schedule should be good:
       Bible Study at 6:15PM
       Choir at 7:00PM
Sunday:   9:00AM  Divine Service
               10:15AM  Altar Guild Meeting
               10:30AM  Sunday School
               10:45AM  Pastor’s Bible Study  Session 3 on The Kingdom of God.
                                 (Senior Highers: Join us for Pastor’s Bible Study since Mrs. Kotila will be gone this week.)
Thanks to all who coordinated, planned, prepared, shopped, purchased, sold, advertised, supervised, sliced, chopped, executed, cleaned up, helped, supported in any way our Youth Grinder Sale.  What a joy to have another successful sale!  Thank you especially to Tom and Cathy Wollenberg and the support crew!!!  Good job, all the youth and parents!  We deeply appreciate all the support for our youth!  The delicious grinder added to my Super Bowl JOY.  Congratulations to the Seahawks! 
Ushers:      Bob Breitkreutz
                  Gene Giblin
Elder:        Brian Lassy
Altar:         Donna Madonna
Acolyte:    Jordan Klepps
Coffee:      B/D Lassy
The Lord Jesus bless you day by day in His name!
Pastor Kotila