Dear redeemed in Christ,
Yesterday, the Lenten observance was properly put on hold and the Easter message of victory in Christ reigned!  A packed church with over 25 pastors from our New England District, with President Timothy Yeadon and President-emeritus Rev. James Keurulainen present.
The funeral for Pastor Michael Hintze yesterday evening at Our Savior in Westminster, MA had a prominent theme: “Satan, sin, and death, you are DEFEATED!”  My nephew, Rev. Jason Lane, preached the sermon on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and did an astounding job (The blessing of the Word and the Holy Spirit!).  A number of times, Rev. Lane called for the Easter (baptismal proclamation): “Christ is risen!” “He is risen indeed!” (Alleluia omitted during Lent.)  Baptized into Christ, so there is death to our sins, the wages of sin–death, and victory over Satan.  It truly is an affirming Word that we must hear again and again:  “Satan, you are defeated!  Christ has conquered!”  And that is why we live with hope in Christ–because He has given to us His victory–His death to pay for our sins–His resurrection to guarantee to us life eternal in Him.
As we make our steps through this Lenten season, let us do so anticipating the JOY and HOPE that is ours in our Savior who has conquered mightily.  Because He lives, so shall we live!
If anyone is interested, it is my understanding that Our Savior will soon be putting yesterday’s service on their website for the benefit of all listeners.   Check out their website at:
The Lord’s blessings be upon you!
We need desserts for our Lenten Supper tomorrow evening.  Thanks for your help!

Officially announcing:  Our NEW church website is up and running.  Check it out at:

Much gratitude and thanks to our servants in Christ: Matthew Hendrickson and Jennifer Ayers for many, many hours of hard work.  If they did not sacrifice their time for this project, we would still be running back about a decade with our church’s old website.  This NEW website is loaded with information and features that are helpful not just for the visitor but to our members in need of church related information of things happening in our church, but it also can be used as a resource to grow in one’s understanding of the Christian faith.  There are helpful links to point you in a number of directions.  Job very well done!  May the Lord bless our outreach of His truth through this website.
The community Lenten Luncheon that we are hosting is just one week away (March 18th at 12noon).  We are still in need of some help.  We could use 2-3 more volunteers to help with prep work that morning–making the sandwiches, slicing and dicing, and whatever.  If you could help with prep work, please see Mary Wollenberg or Pastor.
This Sunday, there will be a brief Congregational Meeting at 10:30AM. 
Easter Lilies can be ordered using the order form in the Sunday bulletin.
Ladies of Holy Trinity will be collecting mites through this coming Sunday, March 16th.
Keep in Your Prayers:
The Hintze family, with relatives and loved ones–the whole church family at Our Savior in Westminster, MA, all who knew and loved Pastor Michael Hintze.  His funeral was amazing and packed with HOPE!
Thanksgiving to God for Zoe Katherine Wollenberg, born March 8th.  Congratulations to Rev. Nathan and Katie Wollenberg and to Zoe’s Terryville grandparents–Tom and Cathy.
This evening:  6:30PM  Jr. Confirmation
                       7:00PM  Ladies of Holy Trinity (in the church library)
Wednesday:   10:00AM  Bible Study
                       6:00PM  Lenten Supper hosted by Ladies of Holy Trinity
                       7:00PM  Lenten Vespers “The Crucified King: The King Betrayed”
Thursday:        6:15PM  Bible Study
                       NO CHOIR THIS WEEK
Sunday:         9:00AM Divine Service
                   10:30AM  Special Congregational Meeting
                                    Youth watch Ten Commandments downstairs
                   10:45AM   Pastor’s Bible Study (after meeting)
Serving Our Lord This Week:
Ushers:   Randy Krampitz
               Jeff Sonstroem
Elder:     Gene Giblin
Altar:      Leona Damboise
Acolyte:  Desiree LaFontaine
Coffee:   G/B Michaud
A blessed week to you in the Lord!
Pastor Kotila