Dear ones, bought with a price,
The Holy Spirit declares: “You were bought with a price” (1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23).
You have been redeemed by the price of something unearthly–by which I mean not by anything temporal or worldly–not silver, not gold, not the works of striving sinful beings; you have been redeemed by that which is without evil–holy, innocent blood poured out by the Holy One of the Father–the eternal Son of God–Jesus Christ.  We easily take for granted His work–His gift.  He, God-who-became-flesh for us, bore our sin and guilt on Himself, suffered beyond description, and was crucified–His blood poured out as the necessary offering to the Father for our redemption–His death atoning for our sins–the sins of the whole world.  So much love there on the cross–far past our comprehension!  Pure love–sacrificial love–unconditional love–God’s infinite love for you and me!  It is all shown there in the Christ who suffers and dies.  By His death our sins are completely paid for; by His rising from the dead, so we are justified (declared not guilty) for Christ’s sake.  Christ’s saving work with all His blessings (forgiveness, life (new life, eternal life), and salvation (deliverance from death and the devil)–these gifts are yours and mine through faith in Jesus Christ.  Our gracious God imparted faith to you already at the moment of your Baptism–faith nourished and kept in you through His Word preached and Christ’s Supper given for you, to eat and drink His body and blood.  And through faith, God credits to you the blessings Christ won for you by His life, death, and resurrection.
    So, don’t just sit there.  Give thanks to God and come continuously more for His mercy and loving-kindness in Word and Sacrament.  So, the church keeps gathering for this very high purpose and need.  Oh, to live is Christ!
I shared with you in my last message about my nephew, Rev. Jason Lane, who preached at Rev. Michael Hintze’s funeral.  His sermon is available at the link below should you be interested in hearing it.
Continue to pray for the Hintze family and your brothers and sisters in Christ at Our Savior in Westminster, MA.  They are seeking the Lord’s guidance as they step forward in faith according to His Word.
The ladies of our church did a most excellent work in preparing, hosting, serving, and cleaning up from a large gathering of our community today as we hosted the Lenten Luncheon.  The soups and sanwiches, fruit, chips (can’t leave those out!), crackers, and delightful desserts were most tasty–of all the churches in this world!  Ok, I’m kind of bragging here.  But our ladies did a great, great job!!!  Thanks to all who worked or helped support this effort with donations of time and labor, preparing soups and desserts!  I heard from a number of attendees that our church always does such a great job!  And it is greatly appreciated.  And this large crowd heard my message on the MERCY of God upon us poor sinners in Jesus Christ!  Having received MERCY (and that we keep receiving His MERCY), so we go and be MERCIFUL to our neighbor.
Join us for more food tomorrow evening as we digest God’s Word in our midweek evening Vespers at 7:00PM.  Our service is preceded by delicious food for the body at 6:00PM, prepared by kind and generous workers in Christ.  Invite a friend!!!  Please come.
The Altar Guild is accepting orders for Easter Lilies to enhance our worship service on Easter Day.  Cost is $13.50 each.  Please fill out an order form in Sunday’s bulletin and give to Mary Wollenberg or placed in the offering plate.
Tonight:  6:30PM  Prayer Shawl Group
               7:30PM  Elders
Wednesday AM Bible Study at 10:00AM.  This week: “The King Denied.”
Thursday:  Bible Study at 6:15PM
                  Choir at 7:00PM
Sunday:   9:00AM  Divine Service
              10:30AM  Sunday School and Youth Bible Study
              10:45AM  Pastor’s Bible Study
                4:00PM  Youth and Parents attend the movie: “God Is Not Dead.”  Meet at church to get the the 5:00PM show in Plainville.
If anyone would like to join our youth and parents to see the movie “God Is Not Dead” this Sunday, March 23rd, please let me know if you are definitely going and my wife will order your tickets in advance at a discounted price (normally $10.75 each but she can get for a few dollars off–I forget how much).  BUT YOU MUST GET BACK TO ME ASAP SO WE CAN ADD YOUR NUMBER TO OUR GROUP.   We will notify the theatre manager to let them know how many in our group are coming.  We hope to get everyone in by advanced notification to them.  
Ushers:   Bob Breitkreutz
               Gene Giblin
Elder:      Gene Giblin
Altar:      Leona Damboise
Acolyte:  Jordan Klepps
Coffee:   E/K Milish
The Lord bless you and keep you by His powerful Word and Spirit!
Pastor Kotila