Dear friends in Christ,

I grew up with an appreciation for those who serve in our nation’s armed forces.  My parents bought me a record (33LP–for a phonograph player for you modernites!) of military marching band tunes.  I listened to it over and over.  My dad had served in the army in 1944-45.  He rose to the rank of sergeant.  I was proud of him for his two years in the service.  When my brother and I got older, we would try on portions of his uniform, and we thought we were so cool.  I’m also proud of Kari’s dad. He fought in Korea.  He was in the infantry.  He has shared some stories.  Many of them do not sound too good.  In my lifetime, I have known those who fought in the Battle of the Bulge, served at Pearl Harbor, served on the USS Yorktown.  I’ve had pastors, bosses, friends, and known church members who served in Vietnam.  Their stories are eye-opening.  I had a Pineshore Bible Camp counselor who served in the Navy.  When I asked him what he did, he said, “I painted bombs.”  I have a friend who served in Army Airborne–who parachuted out of airplanes into the night-sky over Europe.  He said it was fun.  He also demonstrated to me survival instincts by conveniently finding your lunch on the ground–as he picked up some ants and ate them.  I know of several who currently serve and have served distinguished military careers as chaplains.  When I served as pastor in Minnesota, we prayed fervently for our young Army National Guard members and their families as they were deployed to Iraq, during Operation Enduring Freedom, and then welcomed them all home in a great community celebration.  We have members of our congregation who have served in WWII.  Talk to Bob Wentland, he sure has some stories to tell.  Our sainted-member, Daniel Petke, he had stories to tell too, as also would Rhiny Krampitz and Norm Heresko.  Check out the recently written book about Edmund Klepps, Nancy Mitchell and Diane Fingers’ father, who served in WWII–a copy of it is available in our library.  We have a number of veterans in our congregation.  So, the list could go on and on.

Let us give thanks to God for their service for our country–for all the veterans of the United States of America–who served in the vocation of soldier for a time–all for the good of our country–to keep us free–to keep us safe.

I share this prayer:

Gracious eternal Father, in Your wisdom, You raise up leaders to restrain evil and uphold goodness, and You have entrusted them with the power of the sword. Bless our veterans who have wielded the sword in the service of our nation. Give them humble satisfaction for their stalwart service. Comfort those who still bear the scars of battle. Console the grieving families of those who gave their lives. And as we observe Veterans Day, grant us all thankfulness for their loyalty, valor and sacrifices. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord; Amen.


This Saturday, November 15th, from 10AM til 2PM, there is a servant event at Terryville High School called Kids Against Hunger.  Students and other community volunteers will be packaging up meal packs.  The goal is 15, 000 of them, which will be boxed.  Our Orphan Grain Train Branch has the blessed assignment to ship the food boxes.  The intent is to try and get them shipped to Liberia through the mission station at St. Paul’s in Providence, RI.  If you have time this Saturday, come on out, and help package up some of the meal packs.  A table will be available for our group of volunteers.  Let Paul Arbesman know if you plan to help.  Paul doesn’t think you have to be there the full four hours.  Work as long as you want.

Then, we will need help at the warehouse around 2:30PM to unload all the boxes and get them situated in the warehouse.  Let Paul know if you can help with that, too.

These are great opportunities to serve our Lord, dear friends.  Come, if you can.  Let Paul know.

Visitation for Gary Daigle Funeral is this evening (Tuesday) at Scott Funeral Home in Terryville from 6-8PM.  The funeral willWednesday at 11:00AM at Scott Funeral Home.  May God comfort Gary’s mother, Edna Daigle, and his aunts, (Edith Steinagel and Margaret Witick), as well as all of Gary’s family and loved ones.

Greens boxes are being done this year by Linda Arbesman and Donna Madonna.  They are in need of greens-spruce, holly, etc.  Boxes should be dropped off at the Arbesmans so that they can begin working on them.

Needed, 9 bell ringers to ring a Christmas piece on Sunday, December 21.  We will practice on Sundays after the service on November 23 and 30 and also on December 7 and 14.  See Roze.

Get your order in for Poinsettia plants for Christmas.  November 30th is the last day for orders.  Cost is $13.50 each.  The plants may be taken after the Christmas Day worship service.  See the order form in Sunday’s bulletin.  Payment should be given to Mary Wollenberg, Altar Guild President–payable to: Holy Trinity Altar Guild.

Paul Arbesman told me this morning that the Kids Against Hunger Project at Terryville High School this Saturday from 10AM – 2PM does not require you work all four hours.  You can go there and just work for an hour or two.  These finished boxes of meal packs (the goal is 15,000 meals) will be delivered over to our OGT warehouse around 2:30PM Saturday, so we can use manpower to help unload that truck. 
After that truck is unloaded, manpower is needed to load a 16′ truck for a shipment of items to a mission in Bridgeport, CT.  This would make our second OGT branch shipment. 
Reported from the Ladies of Holy Trinity Meeting last evening:
The greens boxes are being assembled this year by Linda Arbesman and Donna Madonna.
All boxes to be refilled must be turned in to the Arbesman’s home by this Sunday, November 16th.  You may also, if need be, bring your box to the church by this Sunday.
Or you may order a new box (that order would be needed by this Sunday as well).
Large refill  $20.00
Small refill  $15.00
New Large Box  $25.00
New Small Box  $20.00
If you have evergreen, spruce, or holly, those items would be welcomed at the Arbesman home by this weekend.
Come and help if you are able to do so.

Our Week At A Glance

Tuesday:        6:00–8:00PM  Visitation Hours for Gary Daigle at Scott Funeral Home

7:00PM  Ladies of Holy Trinity  (important meeting to discuss the bazaar)

Wednesday:  10:00AM  Bible Study

11:00AM  Gary Daigle Funeral at Scott Funeral Home

7:00PM  Church Council

Thursday:         7:00AM  Emmaus Walkers Men’s Bible Study at Immanuel Parish Center

6:00PM  Bible Study

7:00PM  Choir

Saturday:        10:00AM  Kids Against Hunger at Terryville High School

2:30PM  Unload Food Boxes at OGT Warehouse

Sunday:           9:00AM   Divine Service

10:30AM  Congregational Meeting

Plan to be at our Thanksgiving Day Service on November 27th at 9:00AM.  A non-perishable food offering may be brought to donate to the Plymouth Food Pantry.

Pray for Rev. Butch Lanphar, who serves as pastor of Trinity – Springfield, MA and St. Paul – Naugatuck.  We give thanks that Rev. Lanphar is showing improvement following a moderate stroke several weeks ago.  He is heading home today to continue rehab at home.

Keep praying for all who are on our Sunday Prayer List.


Ushers:  Paul Arbesman

Mike Plourde

Elder:    Steven Ayers

Altar:    Mary Wollenberg

Acolyte:  Josef LaMadeleine

Coffee:   R/D Lassy

Have a blessed week in the Lord!

-Pastor Kotila