Dear beloved in Christ, our one true Light,
The Epiphany season has arrived.  Our Scripture readings in the Sundays ahead reveal God showing forth His Son as the Savior of the world–the long-expected Christ.  How blessed we are to hear this Word of God and to be enlightened and strengthened in the faith.  I share with you a snippet from my January Newsletter article.
Beloved, right now, more than ever before in our lifetime, we must heed our Lord’s call and His will for us to remain faithful to Him and TO SHINE.  Darkness looms over this land and the souls of many.  Evil is having its destructive sway over people’s minds and lives.  The idols of the world, including SELF, are the greatest “loves” that occupy people’s hearts.  So many people are blinded and do not know and believe in the one, true God of everlasting love so wonderfully revealed and given in Jesus Christ.  Many are those who once confessed the faith, yet have turned away–having been captured back by Satan and his lies—taken back into his evil clutches and domain of darkness.

But cheer up!  There is still hope!  As long as souls live in this earthly time of God’s grace, God can restore people to Himself.  That is our constant prayer!  And our witness and confession of Christ the true Light is very much needed!  By the power of His Word, as Christ continues to enlighten us, so He can enlighten the souls of others too—even through our Christian witness.  Christ Jesus can recover them to Himself through His Word, and by faith in His Gospel.  God can—and He still does—use us as His lights in this dark world of sin.

Let us pray.

Renew me, O eternal Light,  And let my heart and soul be bright,  Illumined with the light of grace  That issues from Your holy face.  Create in me a new heart, Lord,  That gladly I obey Your Word.  Let what You will be my desire,  And with new life my soul inspire.  Grant that I only You may love  And seek those things which are above  Till I behold You face to face,  O Light eternal, through Your grace.  Amen.

(“Renew Me, O Eternal Light” Lutheran Service Book, #704, stanzas 1, 3-4)